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You are here: Announcements under Reg. 30, SEBI (LODR), 2015
Announcements under Reg. 30, SEBI (LODR), 2015
Reg 30- Outcome of Board meeting dated 21st September, 2022.
Reg 30- Updates on Scheme_08.09.2022
Newspaper Advertisement regarding transfer of Equity Shares of the Company to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF)
Reg - 30 Update on RCC 04.05.2022.
Reg - 30 Demise of Sh. R. S. Saraf, Chairman.
Change of name of RTA
Regulation 30 - Intimation To Shareholders Holding Securities In Physical Form.
Newspaper Advertisement regarding transfer of Equity Shares of the Company to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF)
Information under Regulation 30 of the Listing Regulations
Announcements under Reg. 30, SEBI (LODR), 2015 (02.02.2021)
Announcements under Reg. 30, SEBI (LODR), 2015 (24-Dec-2020)
Reg 30 Update on Scheme 21.12.2021
Reg 30 Update on Scheme 04.02.2021
Reg 30 Update on Scheme 26.08.2020
Reg 30 Update on Scheme 21.07.2020
Reg 30 Update on Scheme 24.05.2020
Reg 30 Update on Scheme 30.01.2020
Reg 30 Change in Corporate Information 19.12.2019
Reg30 Update on Old Scheme 21.10.2019
Reg 30 Update on RCC 21.09.2019
Reg 30 Update on Old Scheme 26.08.2019
Reg 30 Update on Old Scheme 07.08.2019
Reg 30 Update on Old Scheme 20.07.2019
Reg 30 Update on RCC 13.06.2019
Reg 30 Update on Old Scheme 31.05.2019
Reg 30 Transfer to IEPF 24.05.2019
Asian Hotels (East) Limited. All Rights Reserved.